A VIRUS 912 valóban leg-, leg-, leg- repülőgép. 2007-ben és 2008-ban is elnyerte a NASA PAV versenyek díjait.
A VIRUS 912 gyors és hihetetlenül gazdaságos ultralight repülőgép. Ideális repülőgép túrázásra és kitűnően bevált repülőklubokban és oktató repülőgépként is. Verhetetlen a gép sok tekintetben, igen jó manőverező képesség, arányos kormányerők, könnyű kezelhetőség, nagyon jó kilátás fotózáshoz és eközben igen alacsony fogysztás sokrétűen kihasználhatóvá teszi.
Best, best, best… aircraft, confirmed by NASA.
Virus won the 2007 Personal Air Vehicle Challenge and the 2008 General Aviation Technology Challenge, both events sponsored by NASA. Regarding the fierce competition, including the Rans RV-7, Flight Design CT and Urban Air Lambada, this is an unmistakable and impartial statement about the superiority of the Pipistrel's Virus. Read more about the NASA awards here and here.
Choice of wingspans
You can have the Virus equipped with a 12- or 10-meter wingpan. The 12-meter version is a touring motorglider, enabling you to switch off the engine and glide alongside ridges, while the 10-meter fits in every hangar and is even faster and more maneouvrable!
Balanced controls, just feels right.
If NASA says that Virus handles the best among all aircraft, it must be true! Special attention has been given to balancing the controls. They feel natural and give the pilot a perfect sense of control over the aircraft and it's capabilities. Just ask any of the already infected Virus owners!
Safety is our primary concern. This is why Virus features the Safety Cockpit Concept. The entire cabin area is encased with energy absorbing structures made from Kevlar fibre, an amazing material which maintains the integrity of the cabin and makes it safe also in case of stronger impacts. Together with our special Safety Cockpit Concept the Virus can also be equipped with the ballistic parachute rescue system, which saves the complete aircraft together with the crew in case of severe emergencies.
Unparalleled performance. No competition.
Virus combines unmatched speed and economy with superb take-off and climb performance. If you are looking for an all-in-one aircraft, look no further! As demonstrated in the 2008 NASA GAT Challenge the Virus is 19% more fuel efficient while flying 23% faster than the popular Flight Design CTSW. At the same time, the demonstrated climb performance was more than two times that of the CTSW, while permitting for more useful payload thanks to the much lower empty weight.
Eco friendly |
Noise? What noise?
The Virus meets even the strictest of the noise regulations. Therefore, your neighbours will not even notice when you take-off, let along complain about your aircraft being noisy. Our cabin noise is so low (and confirmed by NASA!) that you can comfortably fly without your headset. And when you switch the engine off and go gliding, the Virus goes silent...
Highest technologies and maintenance free
Our products are all known for being virtually maintenance free. The highest of technologies, including honeycomb techniques, which we use to build composites and best quality metal alloys, including Titanium and Magnesium, which are used on parts of the aircraft, ensure that the aircraft will last a lifetime in a like-new condition. And if you do not intend to fly for a while, you can disassemble the Virus in only 15 minutes – all the controls are self-fitting, making this task as care-free as possible.
Robust and reliable
More than 300 of our aircraft fly on all six continents of the World in conditions that are sometimes difficult to imagine. All systems on board have withstood rigorous testing to ensure the aircraft performs at its best in hot or cold, wet or dry, low or high! Flight schools love the Virus because of reliability, super-low operating costs and endless possibilities of flying.
Cockpit comfort and luxury
A spacious, well ventilated side-by-side cockpit with optional leather interior will make sure you feel comfortable also during the longest adventurous flights. Even the tallest or shortest of pilots will feel at home in the Sinus, thanks to the adjustable rudder pedals. The choice of either a small or large instrument panel can make the cockpit feel like a glider or fully equipped top-of-the-line long-range cruising aircraft. With excellent sideward and downward views your air-ground or air-air photographs will make everybody envious!
If you are looking for the Virus SW, click on the banner or see technical specifications HERE.